How to use
Detect-Her Brush-On Tail Paint
Apply a uniform strip the width of the applicator brush, about six to eight inches on the top of the spine.
It’s very important to keep the mark as narrow as the brush cap and on the top of the hard part of the spine only. This will allow for a much higher percentage of removal when the cow stands making interpretation much easier.
Once a buildup is obtained
after several coats of the product, the product works better and makes
detecting heats easy.
Correct Application

The concept behind this is what makes Detect-Her different from other tail paints. The buildup will allow for more substance to be crushed and crumbled and pulled off by the brisket of the mounting cow. Mounted cattle will have all the brush marks crushed and most all of the paint removed with only several mounts. Also, by being able to touch up as often as you need to
maintain visible marks, buildup is not a problem.This makes Detect-Her work much better with dusty bedding products that tend to cover up marks after a day or so and need touched up for visibility.
If headlocks are available they are an obvious choice for applying daily marks.
If headlocks are not available some producers will choose to start herds started on Detect-Her by running the cattle through the management rail, parlor exit alley, or at the feed bunk. Paint three days or three milkings in a row to get a good start up base application.

Then walk through cattle at a time of day when the cattle are the most bedded down and easy to walk and touch up in the free stall barn. In most herds the majority of cattle will start to calm down and become workable in the free stalls in a month or so of patient efforts.
For the first few months you may want to run the cattle through the palpation rail or exit alley to maintain marks that get behind on your daily walk-through. In some free stall barns without headlocks you may want to hang a gate at on end of each pen to keep cattle from circling. This will allow you to touch up the runners and the cows that stay ahead of you. This will also help you with making sure every cow has a uniform mark every day.
Touch up, as needed being sure to maintain good uniforms marks. You can not make good decisions without making sure your marks are perfect and uniform every day when you leave the pen. Your efforts today to keep good marks will help make your decisions much easier and accurate tomorrow. If you miss a day, you miss two.

Well marked pen. Blue Detect-Her used on open cows. Green Mark-Her on pregnant cows.
Walk herd once a day touching up marks and reading paint. Making correct decisions is the most important part of a tail marking system.

Obvious heat cows. All paint missing.