Introducing MARK-HER Livestock Marking Paint
Due to requests from many of our Detect-Her users we are now manufacturing and marketing a new paint. This is a different type of paint that has several valuable uses. The paint has been developed to make a long lasting, highly visible mark on pregnant cows when marking tailheads in a whole herd tail painting system.

Uses for Mark-Her
- Marking pregnant cows in herds marking tailheads for heat detection. A challenge when marking all cows with Detect-Her or crayons is keeping marks on pregnant and do not breed cows, especially when cattle are not in lockups. Paint marks from this product should last up to two weeks. In the winter with long hair and when cattle are not shedding we have been told of marks lasting up to two months. In whole herd tail marking programs this product can be a huge time and labor saver.
- Marking fresh dates on cattle when using the Up-John fresh cow temperature-checking program.
- Marking cattle for synchronization. When animals are determined to be synchronized or given the first synchronization treatment mark cattle with Mark-Her so cattle can be easily found for next treatment and breeding. Many synchronization protocols are 7 to 10 days long and most marking products will not last long enough to identify cattle throughout treatment and breeding. When marking all cows synchronized this product can be a huge time and labor savor.
- Mark animals when putting in CIDR implants. This long lasting mark will make checking CIDR tails, giving shots, pulling CIDRS and identifying
which animals to breed much easier.
About The Product
- Florescent Green, Royal Blue and Pink Glow
- Non-Hazardous Product
- Extremely Fast Drying
- Once Dry Fully Waterproof
- Bitterguard™ added to Deter Licking
- Florescent Green 12oz Bottle With Brush Tip Applicator
- 6 Bottles Per Box
- 6 Boxes Per Case (36 bottles)
- Royal Blue 12oz Bottle With Brush Tip Applicator
- 6 Bottles Per Box
- 6 Boxes Per Case (36 bottles)
- Pink Glow 12oz Bottle With Brush Tip Applicator
- 6 Bottles Per Box
- 6 Boxes Per Case (36 bottles)
